Have you created ecommerce landing pages for your online store?

Your ecommerce website is filled with product pages that feature high-quality images, pricing options, shipping information, product specs and benefits, and reviews. Why would you need to build landing pages on top of it all?

A product page has a design that makes it easy for customers to discover everything they need to know about a product.

A landing page is an essential tool for marketing campaigns that helps define a product’s value proposition and convinces potential customers to buy the product.

In this post, we cover ecommerce landing page examples you can use as inspiration for your next landing page design.

Inspiring ecommerce landing page examples

1. Sennheiser

Sennheiser is a tech company who specializes in audio equipment, particularly headphones and microphones.

sennheiser landing page

The company’s landing page for its Momentum 4 wireless headphones kicks off with an interactive hero image.

The image features a professionally-shot or possibly 3D model of the headphones, but a color switcher at the bottom-left corner of the hero section allows users to view the headphones in multiple base colors.

There are also three image links that link to product pages for additional color options in the hero section.

This section also features a Buy Now link that adds the product to the customer’s shopping cart as well as an overview of the headphone’s product rating based on reviews.

The rating is a jumplink that takes the user down to the page’s review section, a nifty addition Sennheiser has included toward the bottom of the page.

sennheiser reviews

A noteworthy characteristic of Sennheiser’s product page is the way the features section is written.

Tech companies often make the mistake of getting too technical with this section, but it’s important to remember that this is a landing page, not a product page.

While you should most definitely list a product’s specs on a product page, your landing page should only highlight features that are important to your target market.

If you feel you must include a technical feature, reword it in a way that’s easier for your target market to understand.

sennheiser features

Another feature you’ll notice in each screenshot from Sennheiser’s landing page is a hello bar that gives the customer quick access to the page’s Buy Now button.

A hello bar is a bar that sticks to the top of a web page as the user scrolls.

In this case, it features the name of the product, the product’s price and a Buy Now button that adds the product to the shopping cart.

Sennheiser has also included an interactive 3D model that allows users to spin the product and look at it at any angle on their own.

Spinning the ear cup even gives you a look at the cup’s internal components.

sennheiser 3d model

Additional sections include an image that shows consumers what’s included in the box they’ll receive the product in and multiple featured products sections that promote accessories, replacement parts and similar products.

2. DJI

DJI is an audio and video equipment company mostly known for their drone cameras.

The company’s landing page for the DJI Mavic 3 Pro gets right to the point by demonstrating exactly why the camera is top notch. This is because it starts with a hero section that includes a background video to show off what the drone is capable of.

dji landing page

This section includes two buttons: one that takes you to the drone’s product page and one that allows you to watch a full-length demo video for the product.

The page features animations as you scroll down. One animation highlights each feature individually.

dji features

One incredibly useful element DJI’s landing page features is a section dedicated to customer testimonials from professionals.

It uses professionally-shot pictures of each testimonial author that match the design of the rest of the page. Each testimonial has a short review of the product.

dji testimonials

The page also includes a gallery section with multiple tabs. This section demonstrates the kind of photos the camera is capable of shooting in nature and city environments.

dji gallery

It uses a similar design to show off video styles the camera offers, such as HLG and hyperlapse, as well as additional features the drone, camera and flight controller offer.

The DJI Mavic 3 Pro is not the only drone DJI offers, so they’ve also included a comparison section that lists each individual feature of the company’s most popular models while also including links to product pages for each.

dji comparison

It’s one of the most effective landing pages on this list as it mostly focuses on the kind of images and videos the product is capable of producing.

However, it’s quite long as a result, so it, too, uses a hello bar that sticks to the top and includes the page’s primary call to action.

3. Subaru

Subaru is a car manufacturer mostly known for its outdoor-friendly SUVs. This is a great ecommerce landing page example as car manufacturers make some of the best landing pages on the web.

It’s also a great example of a buying process that starts online and concludes in person.

subaru landing page

The landing page for the manufacturer’s Crosstrek vehicle starts with a hero section that features its own internal menu, which allows consumers to access the page’s most important sections right off the bat.

There’s also a primary View Inventory call to action, which directs consumers to a page that allows them to search for a Subaru Crosstrek at a dealer near them.

There are additional calls to action underneath this for special offers and local prices.

The manufacturer has also included a Features section that highlights technical features the vehicle offers.

One of the best features this landing page includes is a 360-degree view of the vehicle in different colors.

subaru vehicle builder

This feature allows consumers to “build” their vehicle by adding specific components to it, such as specific colors, interior materials, different types of trim and more.

The best part is that the 3D model’s design changes as the consumer chooses the features they want.

The manufacturer spends the next section highlighting a few benefits the Crosstrek offers, especially to individuals who love the outdoors.

There’s also a product gallery that allows consumers to flip through high-quality images of the Crosstrek.

4. Scrub Daddy

Scrub Daddy is a popular line of cleaning products mostly known for their signature sponge: a yellow, dishwasher-safe sponge that gets soft in hot water, firm in cold water and features a signature smiley face.

The brand’s homepage actually acts as a central landing page for the brand’s products. It’s a nice change of pace from product landing pages that only showcase one product or service.

scrub daddy landing page

The brand kicks things off with a simple call to action that features a woman using Scrub Daddy products to clean a pan and a button that leads to the website’s main Shop page.

The very top of the page features a bar that advertises the shop’s free shipping policy.

A section filled with featured product categories comes next.

This gives customers quick access to the store’s main line of products and may even let some customers know that the brand sells more than just sponges.

scrub daddy product categories

There’s also a featured products section, giving consumers quick-access to the Scrub Daddy’s staff favorite products.

There’s even a benefits section that briefly explains why the brand feels its sponges are worth using over products that have existed for decades.

scrub daddy featured benefits

The page also features customer testimonials and separate calls to action for one of the brand’s newest products and a featured product.

Finally, the page has a small section that features their Instagram feed.

5. Caribou Coffee

caribou coffee

Caribou Coffee is a chain of coffee shops that sells its own blends.

The company’s primary landing page for its coffee promotes its own blends in multiple ways, starting with a limited-time offer, pictured above.

This offer is paired with a seasonal blend and is promoted with a well-edited hero image. The entire image links to the website’s primary coffee category in its online shop, making it easy for customers to access the deal.

caribou coffee story

The company’s brand story comes next. It’s paired with lifestyle images that feature the company’s product. The story itself is brief, includes the benefits of the company’s coffee (hand-roasted) offers and concludes with the company’s slogan.

Next up is a seasonal offer that includes a link to the shop’s product category that includes some of its seasonal blends.

caribou coffee product categories

The company promotes featured products in two different ways after this: one for product categories and one for best-selling products.

This lets customers know what types of products the shop sells as well which products most customers purchase.

caribou coffee subscriptions

The company shares a few tips on how to get the best coffee-drinking experience with its blend before promoting a popular ecommerce feature it offers: subscriptions.

This gives customers easy access to setting up a subscription for a product they likely use everyday.

The company uses the rest of its landing page to share insights on how it grows and prepares its blends.

6. Shimano

Shimano is a multipurpose manufacturer that makes products for a variety of different niches, including fishing.

The company uses a central landing page to advertise the different lines of fishing reel it offers. This includes its line of Vanford fishing reels.

shimano landing page

Its hero section doesn’t use a call to action, which is unfortunate, but it does have a high-quality image that places focus on the reel itself.

The next section has an image gallery users can browse to get a closer look at the reel. This section also features a brief product description as well as links that allow customers to compare the reel against other Shimano reels.

This section also includes a product finding feature customers can use to find the reel at a shop near them.

shimano local

The company uploads product showcase videos to YouTube and has embedded its video for the Vanford reel on this landing page.

It gives potential customers an even closer look at the product and even highlights some of its internal components.

shimano video

Customers also have access to a slider that highlights these internal components and the technology that goes into them.

This section explains each and every component the reel features and why it’s important.

shimano technology

The next two sections highlight the individual reels Shimano offers under the Vanford line.

The first section features product images of each reel while the next section features a specification table that highlights the differences between each one.

shimano specs

This gives customers more information on the line and will help them decide which reel is best for them.

This landing page has a unique feature: an accessibility menu powered by accessiBe.

shimano accessibility

It has a screen reader, an ADHD mode, and allows visitors to customize text and color styles to suit their individual needs.

7. Ariston

Ariston is a flower shop in New York City.

The shop sells flowers to individual customers but also offers services, including weddings.

ariston landing page

The page’s design and sections are simple yet effective, and it’s a good landing page example for an ecommerce store that offers services.

Much of the landing page’s design is dedicated to showcasing the florist’s work, specifically in two grid-based galleries that showcase floral arrangements at weddings as well as wedding bouquets.

There’s also a section for testimonials from satisfied customers.

The page concludes with a final call to action, encouraging potential customers to plan this aspect of their weddings with them.

ariston call to action

Like Shimano, Ariston offers an accessibility menu, only theirs is powered by UserWay.

ariston accessibility

It doesn’t have as many features as accessiBe does, but it does allow users to change text size, saturation, line height, text spacing and even enable a special mode that makes the site’s text easier for dyslexic individuals to read.

8. See’s Candies

See’s Candies is a candy store that specializes in chocolate.

The company has a landing page on its ecommerce website that advertises the shop’s corporate gifting services.

sees candies landing page

The page kicks off with a simple call to action that uses a typical design: a background image, a brief description and a Shop Now button, the latter of which links to the store’s Gifts product category.

This is followed by a brief description of the benefits the company’s corporate gifting service offers. It even includes Learn More links for each benefit.

There’s also a small call to action for locating a concierge nearest to your location.

The page also includes featured product categories for specific gift categories the shop offers, including employee gifts and appreciation gifts.

One of the more unique sections is a savings table that lets you see how much of a discount you receive by spending certain amounts.

sees candies savings

The page also has a section for featured products, making it easy for potential customers to add corporate gifts to their carts.

9. Taylor Guitars

Let’s cover a simpler ecommerce landing page example.

Taylor Guitars is an instrument manufacturer that specializes in acoustic guitars. They’ve created landing pages for each body shape they offer.

taylor guitars landing page

The entire landing page for each is quite short, but it’s still effective.

It begins with a section that uses two columns: one for a featured image of the body shape and one for a brief description.

The page also has a simple slider that includes featured products that use the body shape being advertised.

taylor guitars featured products

Two additional sections promote additional landing pages for other body shapes the company offers and specific features the company wants to share more insight on, such as the types of woods they use for acoustic guitars.

Final thoughts

You should know the difference between a product page and a product landing page by now.

A product landing page is a fantastic way to highlight a specific product’s benefits and use special designs for product images you weren’t able to use on your product page.

You can also use a landing page to highlight a specific product category or even all of your products as Scrub Daddy has done.

No matter what you create landing pages for, make sure you start with a call to action.

It should be simple and to the point, and the link should either take potential customers to a shop page or product page. If not, it should add the product directly to the customer’s cart or take them directly to your checkout page.

You should also try to include product images customers won’t find on product pages.

These include sophisticated 3D models, product demo videos and image galleries.

Customer testimonials and reviews are another important feature to include on landing pages. They demonstrate social proof, an important aspect of marketing that lets real customers promote your products for you.

Landing pages can even reduce ad spend by allowing you to market your products to visitors who originate from organic traffic as well as converting potential customers at much better rates.

Lastly, consider adding notification bar CTAs (also known as ribbon CTAs) to your landing pages. They give potential customers quick access to your primary call to action.

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